A podcast is a digital product usually in the form of an audio file created to either entertain, educate, or inform its listeners.
This has raised people’s interest not only in listening but also in beginning their own podcasting journey, either as a hobby or business. Nowadays, podcasts are getting famous among listeners and many famous face value persons are starting their own podcast channel. So we can say podcasts are the future of social media.
Podcast hosting services will usually distribute episodes using RSS feeds (Really Simple Syndication). It is a web feed sent to popular podcast directories such as Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Deezer.
Instead, the RSS feed will update automatically every time you publish a new episode.
The Social Edit offer features that will give you a trouble-free experience in starting a podcast by doing most of the technical work.
We will take care of audio files’ server maintenance and storage to ensure that it is accessible to listeners from different podcast directories, thanks to the RSS feeds.
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